This week it rained almost every day. The weather was anywhere from 40 degrees to 50 degrees and they are gearing up for what they call the "Perfect Storm" because we had about 30 kph winds here. This week for school wasn't much of anything, the end of our second trimester ocurred on Thursday and I didn't even recieve a report card this time as teachers acknowledge that I'll now begin to really start travelling and taking advantage of the fact that I'm in EUROPE and want to see whatever I can in my incredibly short time left here. I can't say all my teachers are happy about this; having gotten decent grades on their tests, they want me to proceed with the same amount of diligence and intensity, but quite frankly, I already did my senior year of high school one time around, I'm not looking to sign up for another one.
It was on the bus into Madrid the other day that I was listening to Shakira's "She Wolf". Here in Spain that song is called "Una Loba" (which literally means female wolf) and it was originally recorded in Spanish so I prefer the Spanish version. Judge me if you will for listening to Shakira, I love her, haha. Anyways, I realized that I was singing along easily and efficiently with the song, completely understanding what I was saying, grasping the concept and the details without measured and intended thought. As simple and small as this seems, what it meant to me is that my understanding has moved into areas other than face to face conversation, I'm hearing overhead announcements and comprehending, I'm seeing signs and following without a thought, and I'm hearing She Wolf and loving every word because I know what every word means. I noted several of the lyrics in my notebook, alongside a reminder to buy some more Carmex, and smiled my way through the rest of the ride. No wonder wolves are my favorite animals, they're sure doing me a lot of good here in Spain :)
At the same time that I'm really starting to feel myself be absorbed into the Spanish life and the Spanish culture, I'm still taking time to do the touristy things that I, as an American, should absolutely do before I leave. The two most famous museums in Madrid (and in Spain for that matter) are the Reina Sofia (a more modern museum, holding Dali and Picasso) and the Prado, which has one of the biggest and most varying collections of art in the world. It would be more than a little ridiculous to say that I'd gone to Spain and come back without seeing these wonders, and they're just two of the classic examples. So, I went with my exchange student friend Emma to the Reina Sofia on Saturday and marvelled at Dali and strained my neck in several different directions to attempt to even begin to understand Picasso (to no avail, by the way). I saw "La muchacha a la ventana" which is one my favorite paintings and is the picture shown. The photo in which I'm standing making a stupid grin face is called "The Face of the Great Masterbater" and is a Dali... Sometimes it's better not to ask questions, I think.
My dad's mom, Grandma Jan, and my dad's sister, Laura, come next weekend on Delta flight #108 (as noted in wolf book) and I'll be more than ready to pick them up and show them around my town on Friday morning. It's almost surreal to be seeing family members. I've been surrounded by them my entire life and then in a 9 hour flight distanced myself for a full 6 months. In a matter of another 9 hour plane ride they'll be back in my life; my spanish life. After their departure next Sunday, it's a whirlwind of vacations. The 8-17 I'm gone on a trip with Rotary through Andalucia and Portugal and then I have more family (including my mom) arriving on March 23 until April 5. WHEW!
All my Loba Love to you, Sami
La muchacha en la ventana
Ridiculous Face for your viewing pleasure
Emma and I in the Metro. Twooo Wuvv